So you wanna book a photo shoot with me?
I. Am. SO. Down. But first... have you seen the way I edit? Do you like the way my photos look on my social media platforms? Do you think I over-edit or under-edit? If you don't like my style, then I am NOT the photographer for you, & that is okay though! Honestly! You just gotta do a little more digging to find the photographer who fits your vibes & style the best. It's okay to do a little bit of shopping before you pick your photographer.
If you DO like my style or the way I edit; then HEY! I am your girl! Pick me! Choose me! Love me!
But for reals; I would absolutely love to take your pictures.
Here is some of my work so you can see my photography style for yourself...

I like BOLD & BRIGHT colors.

I also don't like to over edit how people look. I will clear up zits, get rid of lint on clothing, cover up recent scratches, & make eyes a little bit brighter. However; I actually can't make people skinnier or taller or contour people's faces. I don't know how & I don't like to. Aside from not knowing how; I just like people to look like themselves!

I am a very color loving & natural lighting kind of gal!

Like what you see? Then if you are a fan of my editing; book with me! I would love to work with you!
& if you have any more questions about my work please feel free to ask,
-Minda P.